Sobre traduccion de Bohoslavsky

Andres Bohoslavsky

Subject: On ‘Translating Bohoslavsky’

‘Translating Bohoslavsky ’

Speaker: Robert Gurney

Swansea University, 4.00 pm, 29 November 2006

Introduced by Professor David George.
For further information contact

The talk will focus on Bohoslavsky, A., The River and Other Poems, translated by Robert Gurney, Verulamium Press, St Albans, 2004; ISBN: 0-954-716604. The need to establish a strong translator/poet relationship will be underlined. Some poems (in English) will be read. The Notes to a bilingual edition (in preparation) of El río y otros poemas/ The River and Other Poems will be discussed. Andrés Bohoslavsky lives in Patagonia.

Dr Gurney is the author of Poemas a la Patagonia (2004), Luton Poems, (2005) and La poesía de Juan Larrea (1985). He edited the anthology Nueve monedas para el barquero (2005) and has published articles on the Hispanic avant-garde. He contributed a chapter to A Companion to Spanish Surrealism, edited by Robert Havard, Tamesis, 2004.
He is an Honorary Lecturer at The University of Wales (Swansea).

Robert Gurney on ‘Translating Bohoslavsky’

'The talk was well received. It was given before members of the Department of Hispanic Studies. It was well attended by members of that department and there was a lively discussion afterwards about issues relating to the thorny question of translating poetry. They were very interested in Bohoslavsky and I showed them things like his and my poetry published in Lillith (Buenos Aires). They were interested in Bohoslavsky's references to Dylan Thomas. We discussed the dreadful state of publishing in Latin America: how it is only possible to publish if one has money to give publishers. This, of course, means that working class poets cannot be published and that poetry in the printed public domain is the preserve of the middle classes.
The difficult question of High and Low Culture was addressed.
I compared my method of translating Bohoslavsky with that used by Peter Bush with Onetti'.

Dr Marta R. Zabaleta

Women and Words in the World, Network Founder and Coordinator
Honorary Visiting Senior Lecturer
School of Arts and Education
Middlesex University
London, UK

Amaos los unos a los otros
de Andres Bohoslavsky

En una cruz
en la otra
así estaban las cosas en el Gólgota
hace 2000 años
por lo que cuentan el día estaba terrible
como ayer, por acá
cuando escuché que mataron
a uno que robó dos medialunas.
El gordo de adelante dice
está bien
hay que meter bala
el barrio se está llenando de ladrones.

Del libro: 'Casi un asesino y otros poemas',tomado de la webpage

Dr Robert Gurney e hijos

Please, see also my Cultural Foro


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