BRASIL: marchan las mujeres contra el golpe

Fellow, how are you?
We are experiencing a huge setback in the Brazilian democracy.
The impeachment of President Dilma is hit, and with it we have followed the speeches expressing hatred and chauvinism to defend the interests of the old oligarchies policies and major economic interests.
They maintain a family model that much of the population does not fit. They are in favor of precarious work against the legalization of abortion, and even defend a torturer general of the military dictatorship !!!
And all this with the support of the mainstream media.
The same media that the wild and uncontrolled rate when we dare to participate in the world of politics, trying to push us into the private space of homes, saying only there is our place.
We women ABCDMRR follow resisting!
And we invite ALL to attend this Plenary to organize our work in the region against this corrupt coup.
Friday feira- day 06/04
18:30, in the House of Hip Hop in São Bernardo do Campo
Av. Senador Vergueiro, 578- SBC Center


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