SAN FRANCISCO: en celebración de la poesía: Poetry workshop..Photos Yanina Hinrichsen


A Workshop on creating a Poetical  Dialogue about our concerns for the Planet .

ON  September  24th
At 10 am
Excelsior Branch of the San Francisco Public Library
4400 Mission Street, San Francisco, CA 94112
Telephone: 415-355-2868

In celebration of
Global Action Day of Poetry in our lives
In solidarity
A Hundred Thousand Poets for Change
World Poetry Movement

Facilitated by:
Angelina Llongueras
Member of the San Francisco Revolutionary Poets Brigade

Please be there at 10 am sharp, as we only have the space an hour (from 10-11 am) and bring your willingness to talk from your heart about your concerns for our planet and everyone of us who inhabit it.
We shall start with a short ceremony that will start the dialogue and develop into our own personal poetry.
Bring a notebook and a pen.
Open to people from all ages, colors, orientations and walks of life willing to share with an open heart.

Photos of Yanina Hinrichsen(c)London, 2011
of her collection SKY

            A una corresponsal de guerra: Katie Addler.

En aquel lugar sombrío adonde duermes
me descuelgo en la noche para esperar el día: crezco, me revuelvo, desespero.

Cada veta de sangre
su batalla perdida.

Galopante prosigue la memoria su pena inolvidable. Y a porfía
atrapo una gaviota de otra playa en la mía.

Marta Zabaleta

Message from London  with love!
Marta Zabaleta


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