Teatro en Chicago: Arte y Activismo

It has been many years since I enjoyed so thoroughly and felt so honoured being a member of a cast as I am now with "Still Small Voices" (please see below) . The script is magnificent, the space gorgeous, the director amazing and the group of actors an immense plasure to be with. I know we are creating something beautiful and worth seeing, feeling, sharing... Please come join us !

Amics i amigues:
Feia molts anys des que disfrutava tan autènticament i em sentia tan agraïda de formar part del repartiment dúna obra com em sento ara respecte de "Still Small Voices" (sis plau mireu a baix) . L'obra és magnífica, l'espai preciós, el director fantàstic i el grup d'actor un goig de formar-ne part. Sé que estem creant una cosa molt bella i que val la pena veure, sentir, compartir. Sis plau veniu a ser-ne un membre més!

Hacía muchos años que no disfrutaba tanto y me sentía tan agradecida de formar parte del reparto de una obra como me lo siento de "Still Small Voices" (por favor vean abajo). La obra es magnífica, el espacio precioso, el director fantástico y el grupo de actores una gozada. Sé que estaos creando algo muy bello y que vale la pena ver, sentir, compartir. Por favor, vengan a unírse-nos !

Angelina Longueras

Director & Sound Designer: Alexander St. John
Playwright: Maren Rosenberg
Performers: Madeleine Hansen, Noor Hamdi, Jorge Bolanos, Omar Abbas Salem, Arti Ishak, Mary Hazboun, Angelina Llongueras, Maren Rosenberg, Rachel Silvert
Stage Manager: Ashley Bowman
Costume Designer: Janet Rosenberg
Projection & Video Designer: Jaaron Drew
Lighting Designer: Michael Goebel
Still Small Voices follows a Jewish-American girl, Alice, on a Birthright trip in Israel whose curiosity leads her to the West Bank.  There, she meets a Palestinian family that makes her realize all is not as it seems. Cultures converge as Alice overcomes her own prejudices and misconceptions and discovers that the conflict is not as black-and-white as the media portrays.
Originally produced in 2009, Still Small Voices has received a complete rewrite for the Chicago premiere.
Tickets for both Still Small Voices can be purchased here.

Best wishes, Marta Zabaleta


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