PERU: Mujer e Independencia en América Latina, CEMHAL

Las mujeres en la independencia del Perú.
Sara Beatriz Guardia. Universidad de San Martín de Porres. CEMHAL.
El género en la poesía de la independencia: “La mexicana independiente” y “Despedida de la chilenas”.
Catherine Davies. Universidad de Nottingham, Inglaterra.

Presentación del libro:
Catherine Davies, Claire Brewster, Hilary Owen.

South American Independence . Gender, Politics, Text.

UK: Liverpool University Press, 2006.


Jueves 15 de julio 7.00  p.m

Auditorio de la Biblioteca
Facultad de Ciencias de la Comunicación , Turismo y Psicología

Universidad de San Martín de Porres

Av. Tomás Marsano 151

Davies, Catherine:South American independence : gender, politics, textCatherine Davies ; Clair Brewster ; Hilary Owen. - 1. ed.. - Liverpool : Liverpool University Press, 2006. - 321 S. : Ill. . - (Liverpool Latin American studies ; 7) ISBN 1-84631-027-X

In this book the writers discuss the role of gender in the independence struggles of South America. They analyze the wide-ranging debate about political rights, nationality and citizenship that accompanied the independence struggles and investigate the neglected role of gender in that discussion. Looking at published and unublished writings of women from Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Peru, the book traces the contradictions inherent in revolutionary movements that, while arguing for the rights of all, remained ambivalent, at best, about the place of women. Among the writers that are being examined are Simón Bolivar, Andrés Bello, Esteban Echeverria, Josefa Acevedo, Mercedes Marin, Delfina Benigna da Cunha, Ana de Barandas and Juana Manso. The book shows the complex role of women in shaping and challenging the vexed ideologies of independence.


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