ESCOCIA: el rol de los textiles y el bordado en la solidaridad on Rizzo y Rosa Borrás.
Texto de Cordelia Rizzo
Les presento esta colaboración tremendísima, en clave feminista. La siempre solidaria Danielle House nos convocó a Rosa Borrás y a mí a condensar nuestras conversaciones sobre cómo percibimos que el bordado acciona políticamente.
Después de casi dos años de pandemia, porque eso es lo que suelen tardar en publicarse los trabajos en revistas arbitradas, aquí está un texto que refleja nuestro quehacer y andar, "Questioning our actions: conversations around the politics of collective embroidery across space and time" en Contemporary Voices, revista de Relaciones Internacionales de la Universidad de Saint Andrews en Escocia.
el abstract:
Embroidery has been used by communities to testify to violence for many years but these experiences were often marginalised. A recent proliferation of international textile responses to such crises, however, and a visibilisation of textiles in general, have been enabled through social media. This contribution reflects on a Whatsapp conversation across space and time between friends, who have been participating in personal and collective embroidery projects. In this piece, we wish to reveal the role of conversation and its relationship to embroidery work, and how it sustains solidarity, as we question the politics and implications of our actions.
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