EEUU: ayuda solidaria a Chile, información de la Micro Theatre


La Micro Theatre information - For those wishing to support Chile at this time.


 Información de La Micro Theatre - Para los que deseen ayudar a Chile en estos momentos

Un abrazo solidario


Solidarity with Chile:

Dear friends,

LaMicro Theater would like to encourage you to support Chile and its people after the terrible earthquake and tsunami that have hit this country. Chile needs to stand again and for this reason we kindly would like to ask your help. Please, donate whatever you can because any donation is needed at this moment. We are encouraging to support organizations that are already on the ground and can immediately start helping people. These organizations are already operating in Chile and can act more quickly and can use the most immediate support.

Easy way in the USA: You can now text Chile to 90999 to donate $10 to survivors of the Chile earthquake. American Red Cross

Teleton Foreign Credit Card Donations: Chile Ayuda a Chile

Other Options:
Save The Children - Save The Children is sending an emergency assessment team to Chile, and is asking for contributions to its Children's Emergency Fund to aid these efforts.
World Vision - The international development, relief and advocacy organization has already sent its first relief flight, from Bolivia this afternoon, with supplies like tarps, blankets, plastic sheeting, and collapsible water containers for survivors. Support these efforts with earmarked gifts to families that need them.
AmeriCares - Vice President of Emergency Response, Christoph Gorder, says AmeriCares is sending medical supplies and humanitarian aid to Chile. Make a direct contribution to AmeriCares' Chilean earthquake fund.AmeriCares
Habitat for Humanity - Habitat for Humanity has a continual presence in Chile, where the group has constructed more than 1,300 homes. Habitat will be essential in reconstruction efforts, especially in hard-hit rural areas.
International Medical Corps - IMC has a presence in dozens of countries around the globe, providing immediate medical care to those affected by natural disasters. Contribute to its emergency response fund. International Medical Corps
ShelterBox - International disaster relief agency ShelterBox has mobilized a team to bring aid to Concepcion, Chile's second largest city, which saw the worse damage.
Un Techo para Chile
Red Cross
Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)-Every year, provides emergency medical care to millions of people caught in crises in nearly 60 countries around the world. MSF provides assistance when catastrophic events - such as armed conflict, epidemics, malnutrition, or natural disasters - overwhelm local health systems. MSF also assists people who face discrimination or neglect from their local health systems or when populations are otherwise excluded from health care.

En Chile:

Frente a este terrible terremoto y tsunami que azotó nuestro país, y que ha dejado a tantas personas damnificadas, SIDARTE será una de las sedes de acopio de CÁRITAS CHILE, para la recolección de pañales, alimentos NO perecibles, colchonetas y carpas, ropa de cama, artículos de aseo. Desde las 10hrs a las 19hrs, en nuestra sede en Ernesto Pinto Lagarrigue 131, Bellavista.Esperamos tu colaboración y disposición en esta importante tarea de reconstrucción. Los Actores y Actrices, Artistas en general Ayudamos! No dejes de colaborar!

Chile Ayuda a Chile Tu Donación en: cuenta única 2702 del Banco de Chile o Banco Santander
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