EEUU: se necesitan voluntarias y voluntarios para CERRAR LA SOA
School of the AMERICAS; la que entrenó a los oficiales que dieron el golpe en Honduras
I find the commitment of musicians, puppetists and other performance artists at this very significative vigil for global human rights very inspiring indeed. I am sure that "Clowns without frontiers" will be very glad to know if they don't already, so I forward this to them too.
I find the commitment of musicians, puppetists and other performance artists at this very significative vigil for global human rights very inspiring indeed. I am sure that "Clowns without frontiers" will be very glad to know if they don't already, so I forward this to them too.
Es muy alentador ver el compromiso de titiriteros y músicos en esta vigilia tan esencial para los derechos humanos munidales. Estoy segura que a l@s "Payas@s sin fronteras" les gustará saber de esto si es que no lo conocen ya, así que transmito este mensaje a ellos también.
Fa molt goig verure el compromís de músics i titellers en aquesta vigília tan significativa pels drets globals del món. Estic segura que a "Pallassos-es sense fronteres" els hi agradarà saber-ho, així que els tranmeto també a ells aquests missatge, cas que no ho sàpiguen ja.
Petons, besos, kisses...
SOA Watch News & Updates
Get Ready for the November Vigil!
Nov. 20-22: Converge on Fort Benning, Georgia
Information about the November Vigil to Close the SOA and to Change U.S. Foreign Policy.Over the past week, SOA Watch activists protested at the U.S. Southern Command in Florida and at a military base in Colombia, to speak out against the School of the Americas, the continuing SOA graduate led military coup in Honduras and the increasing U.S. military presence in Colombia. In 9 days, all of us will converge on Fort Benning, Georgia.
Other protests in the lead-up to the November vigil are taking place at Fort Huachuca in Arizona on November 14 and 15 and on Friday, November 20 at the Immigrant prison in Lumpkin, Georgia. Human rights activists will also visit the corporate headquaters of Chiquita, Drummond & Coca-Cola on their way to the vigil to protest against their crimes against people of Colombia!
The Rideboard is up! Check here for rides from your area to the November Vigil in Georgia.
Sign up to offer a ride or request a ride.
Concerts to Close the SOA!
Atlanta and Columbus, GeorgiaMusic and culture has always been a major component of every social movement for change. SOA Watch is no different. Three benefit concerts are going to take place as part of the November Mobilization to Close the School of the Americas.
Thursday, November 19: Atlanta Benefit Concert, Eyedrum Gallery (Suite 8, 290 MLK Jr. Drive SE, Atlanta, GA 30312), 7:00 - 11:30pm
Friday, November 20: C.H.A.N.G.E. An acoustic concert to Close the SOA, Howard Johnson Presidential Room (1011 Veterans Pkwy), Time: 8:30pm - 11:30pm
Saturday, November 21: H.O.P.E. An eclectic cabaret to Close the SOA, Columbus Convention Center Ballroom (801 Front Avenue), Time: 8:00pm - 11:00pm
Join the Puppetistas!
Every year, prior to the November Vigil, a creative, sometimes crazy, certainly zany cast of characters from around the country gather in Columbus, Georgia, organize themselves as the inspired Puppetistas and create the puppets and pageantry that has become an integral expression of the SOA Watch resistance movement. Click here to join inVolunteers Needed
The November Vigil is made possible by hundreds of volunteers from across the country and across the Americas. If you are coming to the vigil and are willing to pitch in, please contact Jake at or call 202-234-3440.The tasks range from stage set-up, tabling, handing out information to sign language interpretation (we are still looking for one or two additional sign language interpreters - please pass this on to ASL interpreters you might know or contact us). Thank you!
Palm Cards
It's vital that we spread the word about the School of the Americas and the reality of U.S. foreign policy.
Contact us.
Our mailing address is:
SOA Watch, PO Box 4566, Washington, D.C. 20017, USA
Our telephone: (202) 234 3440
Si todos nos dieramos la mano lograriamos recomponer la red de la Memoria, de los DD.HH. si todos nos dieramos la amo, la mia esta tendida, quien quiera puede toamarla.
ResponderBorrarUn abrazo,
Silvia Loustau
Mar del Plata Argentina
Tomo tu mano amiga
ResponderBorrartomo las manos todas
sos un sol en la pampa,
que pía en una rama.
Gente mucha hay
quien escucha
Londres, Inglaerra