CHILE 45 años despues del golpe: ARPILLERAS CHILENAS HOY

 Puede ser una imagen de 4 personas e interior

This year will be 45 years since the bloody and fascist coup in Chile. We’ve been embroidering the faces and stories of Chile’s disappeared and politically executed for months. Exiled Chilean communities and supporters from Canada and Germany and family members of the disappeared, and supporters, from Chile have also collaborated. This has been a unifying act of love and resistance. It has brought us, first, second and even third generation Chilean refugees, together. We have told stories of love, joy, revolution, family , loss and torture. Now more than ever, as Chile’s right wing government starts releasing those with blood on their hands, we call on truth and justice and we ask where are they? #memoriasocial #dondeestan #bordandoporlamemoria #verdadyjusticia #nopasaran



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